AWS VPC IPv6 config
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) allows to launch AWS resources into a virtual network. VPC is very flexible and allows different scenarios to be defined/implemented based on custom needs. It closely resembles a traditional network that is operated in classic data center, with the benefits of using the scalable infrastructure of AWS.
Lab Schema
1. Create VPC
Using AWS Console, select VPC service, next Your VPC and click "Create VPC"
![1-Create VPC](
2. VPC IP configuration
Enter VPC Name tag, IPv4 address pool and select "Amazon provided IPv6 CIDR". AWS will reserve ::/56 network for VPC which can be splitted into ::/64 and assigned to the subnets
![2 VPC IP config](
3. Create subnets
Using AWS console (VPC service) create two subnets
![3 Create Subnet](
4. Create public_1 subnet
Create first subnet (public_1) based on following:
Name: public_1
VPC: VPC created in #1
IPv6: Custom (enter two hexes to define ::/64 network)
![4 Subnet public_1](
5. Create public_2 subnet
Create first subnet (public_2) based on following:
Name: public_2
VPC: VPC created in #1
IPv6: Custom (enter two hexes to define ::/64 network)
![5 Subnet public_2](
6. Set auto-assign IP settings
Subnets created in previous steps are not public, yet. To finish configuration process, IPv4 and IPv6 address auto-assign must be enabled
![6 auto-assign IP](
7. Enable auto-assign for IPv4 and IPv6
For both subnets defined above, enable IPv4 and IPv6 auto-assign option
![7 Enable auto-assign](
8. Subnet verification
Verify, if both subnets has been configured correctly (auto-assign option)
![8 Verify auto-assign for subnets](
9. Create Internet Gateway
Using AWS Console -> VPC service, create Internet Gateway
![9 Inet gateway](
10. Configure Internet Gateway
Enter Name tag for IGW
![10 IGW - name tag](
11. Attach IGW to VPC (#1)
Use AWS Console to select "Attach to VPC" option for Internet Gateway
![11 select VPC to be attached](
12. Attach IGW to VPC (#2)
Select previously created VPC to be attached to IGW
![12 Select VPC to be attached](
13. Verify Internet Gateway attachement
Using AWS Console verify, if IGW has been properly attached to VPC (it may take a while)
![13 Verify IGW attach](
14. Create Security Group
Using AWS Console -> VPC service, create security group
![14 Security Group](
15. Security group details
Enter security group details including:
- name
- description
![15 Security Group data](
16. Define Security group inbound rules
Use Edit button to start editing inbound rules
![16 Inbound rules](
17. Edit Inbound rules
Using console, enter rules to define allowed traffic
![17 Secusrity Groups rules](
18. Verify security group rules
Using AWS console, verify Inbound Rules
![18 Verify Inbound rules](
19. Create route table
Using AWS console create route tables. In the example two route tables (one per each subnet) will be created
![19 Create route table](
20. Create route table for public_1 subnet
Using AWS console create route table for public_1 subnet
![20 Route Table for subnet_1](
21. Create route table for public_2 subnet
Using AWS console create route table for public_2 subnet
![21 Route Table for subnet_2](
22. Edit subnet associations for public_1
By default, all subnets are assocciated with the main route table. It can be changed by editing non-default route subnet associations
![22 Subnet associations](
23. Select networks to be associated with public_1 route table
Different subnets can be associated with different route tables. In this example, pubic_1 will be associated with public_1_route_table
![23 Select subnets to be assiciated with route table](
24. Select networks to be associated with public_2 route table
On following screen, pubic_2 will be associated with public_2_route_table
![24 Subnet associations](
25. Modify routes
Routes need to be added/modified, to allow communication with others (non-local) networks/subnets,
![25 Edit routes](
26. Add default route for both IPv4 and IPv6 means anywhere for IPv4, the same can be defined as ::/0 for IPv6 traffic. Both routes need to be configured using previously created Internet Gateway as a target.
![26 Default routes](
27. Verify both routing tables
In both cases, default route for IPv4 and IPv6 should be passed via Internet Gateway
![27 Verify route tables](
Test Area
28. Deploy first test EC2 instance
Deploy first test machine in public_1 subnet. Both public IPv4 and IPv6 will be assigned (based on subnet setting)
![28 Deploy 1st test machine](
29. Deploy second test EC2 instance
Deploy first test machine in public_2 subnet. Both public IPv4 and IPv6 will be assigned (based on subnet setting)
![30 Deploy test EC2](
30. EC2 Security Groups
Assign to both created test EC2 instances, previously configured security groups
![29 Assign security groups](
31. Verify IPv4 and IPv6 address
Verify, if both IPv4 and IPv6 has been properly assigned to each instance
![32 Verify IP](
32. Check IPv6 conectivity (inside VPC)
Execute ping6 command from first to second test EC2 instance
![Internal ping6](
33. Check IPv6 conectivity (AWS -> Internet)
Execute ping6 command from first EC2 instance to external address (
![36 AWS to Internet ping](
34. Check IPv6 conectivity (Internet -> AWS)
Execute ping6 command from external location to EC2 instance
![37 Internet 2 AWS ping](