Transit Gateway Connect Attachment


In 2019 AWS introduced Transit gateway Connect attachment. It allows to establish a connection between a transit gateway and third-party virtual appliances (such as SD-WAN appliances) running in a VPC. A Connect attachment supports the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel protocol for high performance, and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for dynamic routing. Once created, one or more GRE tunnels can be deployed (also referred to as Transit Gateway Connect peers). To exchange routing information,  two BGP sessions over the GRE tunnel are supported.

A Connect attachment uses an existing VPC or AWS Direct Connect attachment as the underlying transport mechanism. This is referred to as the transport attachment. The transit gateway identifies matched GRE packets from the third-party appliance as traffic from the Connect attachment. It treats any other packets, including GRE packets with incorrect source or destination information, as traffic from the transport attachment.

Solution Schema

Initial config

Initial Config

To implement following solution, you need to create two VPCs based on following:

  • VPC-A (
    • Subnet-A (
  • VPC-B (
    • Subnet-B (


To deploy VPCs in automated way, use CloudFormation script

Config - TGW (#1)

1.Create Transit Gateway

Create Transit Gateway, provide dedicated CIDR which will be used to configure GRE tunnel.

2.Cretae Transit Gateway Attachment #1

Create TGW attachment for VPC-A

3.Cretae Transit Gateway Attachment #2

Create TGW attachment for VPC-B

4.Create Connect Attachment

Create new attachment - select Connect as type and attachment created in step #2 as a transport.

5.Update/confirm association

Check the TGW route table if all attachments created in steps 2-5 have been associated successfully. If not, associate missing attachments.

6.Update/confirm propagation

Check the TGW route table if all attachments created in steps 2-5 have been propagated successfully. If not, propagate missing attachments.

7.Confirm routes 

Check if both routes have been properly added to the TGW routing table. Both should be added as 'propagated' with status 'active'

8.Update VPC-A routing table 

Add route to CIDR created in step #1 via Transit Gateway

9.Deploy EC2 

Create a new EC2 that will be used to install Quagga. The instance must be deployed in VPC-A. Record Instance private IP

Config - Quagga (#1)

10.Install software

Use yum command to install quagga package

Config - TGW (#2)

11.Create new peer

Go to TGW attachments, select Connect one and click "Create new peer"

12.Provide new peer details

To create a new peer you need to provide the following:

  • peer address: IP address from step #9
  • BGP inside CIRR block: any /29 network from
  • Peer ASN: as following scenario configures eBGP, provide ASN different than configured in step #1

13.Record peer IP details

Wait for a peer to be created. Capture configured BGP addresses

Config - Quagga (#2)

14.Copy config files

Copy and rename sample config files into quagga directory:

sudo cd /usr/share/doc/quagga-
sudo cp ./zebra.conf.sample /etc/quagga/zebra.conf
sudo cp ./bgpd.conf.sample /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf

15.Enable/start services

Use systemctl commands to enable zebra and bgpd services

sudo systemctl enable --now zebra
sudo systemctl enable --now bgpd
sudo systemctl status zebra
sudo systemctl status bgpd

16.Create GRE tunnel

Use ip tool to establish gre tunnel. Use data recorded in step #13

sudo ip tunnel add To-TGW mode gre remote local ttl 255
sudo ip link set To-TGW up
sudo ip addr add dev To-TGW

17.Configure BGP - neighbor #1

Use quagga build-in tool vtysh to configure BGP router and first neighbor. Add extra network (in this scenario which sill be propagated to TGW

sudo vtysh
quagga# conf t
quagga(config)# no router bgp 7675
quagga(config)# router bgp 64513
quagga(config-router)# network
quagga(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 64512
quagga(config-router)# neighbor interface To-TGW
quagga(config-router)# neighbor ebgp-multihop 2
quagga(config-router)# do wri
quagga(config-router)# exit
quagga(config)# exit

18.Confirm BGP state -  neighbor #1

Use quagga build-in tool vtysh to configure if BGP session has been established

sudo vtysh
quagga# sh ip bgp neighbour

19.Confirm BGP state  via AWS Console - neighbor #1

Using AWS Console (Connect peer  view) confirm that BGP for first IP address is in UP state

20.Configure BGP - neighbor #2

Use quagga build-in tool vtysh to configure second neighbor

sudo vtysh
quagga# conf t
quagga(config)# router bgp 64513
quagga(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 64512
quagga(config-router)# neighbor interface To-TGW
quagga(config-router)# neighbor ebgp-multihop 2
quagga(config-router)# do wri
quagga(config-router)# exit
quagga(config)# exit

21.Confirm BGP state -  neighbor #2

Use quagga build-in tool vtysh to configure if BGP session has been established

sudo vtysh
quagga# sh ip bgp neighbor

Test Area

22.Confirm BGP state  via AWS Console - neighbor #2

Using AWS Console (Connect peer  view) confirm that both BGP sessions are in UP state

23.Confirm BGP routes - Quagga

Use quagga build-in tool vtysh to check all BGP routes

sudo vtysh
quagga# sh ip route bgp

24.Confirm BGP routes - TGW

Using AWS Console check if route 100.100.100/0 added in step #17 has been properly propagated in TGW route table

25.Create new route - Quagga

Using vtysh tool add static network ( next add it to BGP router to be redistributed

sudo vtysh
quagga# conf t
quagga (config)# ip route
quagga(config)# router bgp 64513
quagga(config-router)# neighbor redistribute static
quagga(config-router)# do wri
quagga(config-router)# exit
quagga(config)# exit

26.Confirm static route propagation

Using AWS Console confirm if the static route is visible in TGW route table