IAM Federation with AzureAD


AWS IAM allows you to use a role to configure SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider (IdP) and to permit federated users to access the AWS Management Console. The role grants the users/groups permissions to carry out tasks in the console

Lab Schema

Configs (Azure part #1)

  1. Create Enterprise Application

Using Azure Console, create new Enterprise Application select Amazon Web Services as a template

2. Enable SAML

Select SAML as a single sign-on method

3. SAML configuration

Download Federation Metadata (xml file)

Configs (AWS part #1)

4. IAM IdP config

Using AWS Console, navigate to IAM, select Identity Providers and click Create

5. IAM IdP config (#2)

Select SAML as IdP type

6. IAM IdP config (#3)

Enter friendly name and upload xml downloaded in step #3

7. IAM IdP config (#4)

Confirm if new IdP is listed in IAM ->Identify Providers tab

8. IAM Role config (#1)

Using IAM create new role. Select SAML 2.0 Federation as a trusted entity and select IdP Provider created in step #7

9. IAM Role config (#2)

Attach AdministratorAccess policy to role

10. IAM Role config (#3)

Enter Role name and click Create

11. IAM Role config (#3)

Repeat steps 8-10 to create two additional roles:

  • EC2 admins (permission policy set to AmazonEC2FullAccess)
  • S3 ReadOnly Access (permission policy set to AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess)

12. IAM Role config (#4)

Using IAM confirm all three roles has been created correctly (including trust policy set to IdP)

13. Provisioning policy

Using IAM create policy which allows to ListRoles

14. Provisioning user config (#1)

Create IAM user with programmatic access only

15. Provisioning user config (#2)

Attach to user policy created in step #13. Safe user access keys (access key ID and secret access key)

Configs (Azure part #2)

16. Provisioning Ent App config (#1)

Come back to Azure Console, select Enterprise Application created in step #1 and click Provision User Accounts

17. Provisioning Ent App config (#2)

To configure provisioning, use credentials created in step #15

  • access key ID -> clientsecret
  • secret access key -> Secret Token


Change Provisioning Status to ON

18. Test Provisioning 

Confirm Provisioning Status: check if all roles created in step8 -12 has been provisioned successfully

19. Assign users/groups (#1)

Using Azure Console, create following users:

  • Gabriel Angelos
  • Apollo Diomedes
  • Jonah Orion
  • Isador Akios

Next, come back to Enterprise Application created in step #1 and  select Assign users and groups

20. Assign users/groups (#2)

Select Add Assignment, then choose two users:

  • Apollo Diomedes
  • Gabriel Angelos

21. Assign users/groups (#2)

Select  Roles, then choose AdministratorAccess role created in steps 8-12

22. Assign users/groups (#3)

Repeat step #21 and assign all users using following list:

  • Gabriel Angelos: AdminAccess
  • Apollo Diomedes: AdminAccess
  • Jonah Orion: EC2Admins and S3ReadOnlyAccess
  • Isador Akios: S3ReadOnlyAccess

Test Area

23. Test - AdminAccess Role (#1)

Open browser and go to My Microsoft Apps page using following link: https://myapps.microsoft.com

Sign in as Gabriel Angelos

24. Test - AdminAccess Role (#2)

Find Enterprise Application you have created in step #1, then click it

25. Test - AdminAccess Role (#3)

As Gabriel Angelos has only one role assigned, you will be redirected to AWS Console.

Role can be confirmed using information in top right corner of the Console.

26. Test - Multi-roles access (#1)

Repeat steps 23,24 but using Jonah Orion credentials. As multiple roles has been assigned to him , you will be redirected to AWS page to allow you to select proper one.

27. Test - Multi-roles access (#2)

Select EC2Admins role and confirm it using Console (right top corner).

28. Test - S3ReadOnly access (#1)

Repeat steps 23,24 but using Isador Akios credentials. You should be redirected to the Console with S3ReadOnlyAccess role
