AWS CLI AssumeRoleWithSAML using STS Credentials


AssumeRoleWithSAML returns a set of temporary security credentials for users who have been authenticated via a SAML authentication response. This operation provides a mechanism for tying an enterprise identity store or directory to role-based AWS access without user-specific credentials or configuration.


Another configuration must be prepared before you will continue. Click button on the right to jump into

IAM Federation with AzureAD


Lab Schema

Configs (AzureAD)

1.Input data

Log into Azure Console, select EnterpriseApplication, click properties and save ApplicationID

Configs (Linux console)

2. CLI configuration

To start using saml2aws, follow next steps:

  • install and check awscli
  • download and untar saml2aws app

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ CURRENT_VERSION=2.26.1

[angelos@diomedes ~]wget{CURRENT_VERSION}/saml2aws_${CURRENT_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ tar zxvf saml2aws_2.26.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz

  • confirm that you are not authenticated - no old aws credentials are configured

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity

3. SAML2AWS configuration

To configure saml2aws, execute following command:

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ ./saml2aws configure

Provide all data, including ApplicationAID captured in step #1

4. SAML2AWS login

To log into AWS, execute following command:

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ ./saml2aws login

Test Area

5. SAML2AWS STS test

Confirm, you have been successfully authenticated:

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity --profile radkowski --region eu-west-1

5. SAML2AWS S3 test

Execute following command to confirm if you have access to AWS resources (following command lists all S3 buckets)

[angelos@diomedes ~]$ aws s3 ls --profile radkowski --region eu-west-1