API-Gateway + Lambda
Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale. It creates APIs that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud.
Lab Schema

Config - Lambda
1.Create Lambda
Using AWS Console, create a new Lambda function. Select ceasar-lambda as name and python3.7 as runtime environment.
2.Copy Lambda code
The following code represents simple Ceasar-Clipher implementation. Function accepts three parameters:
- source: text to be (en/de)coded
- shift: how many positions will be shifted to get encrypted code
- code: switch between encoding (TRUE) and decoding (FALSE)
import json def build_base(shift): base = [] base_dict = {} if shift >10 or shift <-10: shift = 3 for x in range (26): base += (chr(x+65)) for x in range (shift): base += (chr(x+65)) for x in range (26): base_dict[base[x]] = base[x+shift] base_dict[' '] = ' ' return (base_dict) def code(source,build_base): result = "" source = source.upper() for x in source: result += build_base[x] return result def lambda_handler(event, context): if event['source'] =='': return ('Anything to code, Today ?') if event['code'].upper() == "TRUE": return (code (event['source'],build_base(int(event['shift'])))) else: return (code (event['source'],build_base((-1)*int(event['shift']))))
3.Deploy Lambda Code
Copy the code listed above and paste it into lambda code source window. Finish with Deploy button.
Tests - Lambda
4.Test encoding #1
Create a new test event. Use encode as name and code listed below as event document
{ "source": "VISIT RADKOWSKI PRO for more great stuff", "shift": "3", "code": "TRUE" }
5.Test encoding #2
Confirm successful lambda execution. Record lambda output (it should represent encoded string: "VISIT RADKOWSKI PRO for more great stuff"
6.Test decoding #1
Use previously recorded encoded string as an input for decoding event
{ "source": ""YLVLW UDGNRZVNL SUR IRU PRUH JUHDW VWXII"", "shift": "3", "code": "FALSE" }
Config - API Gateway
9.Configure API parameters
Set following parameters:
- type: REST
- API Name: RadLabAPI
- Endpoint type: Regional
12.Configure integration type
For each previously created method, set Lambda as an integration type. Enter created in step #1 lambda's name.
13.Configure permission
AWS Console automatically grants API GHAteway permission to invoke lambda function.
14.Confirm API configuration
Confirm that both resources and methods have been successfully created.
15.Confirm lambda triggers
Come back to the lambda dashboard, select ceasar-lambda function, and confirm that two triggers (API Gateway type) have been created.
16.Update method requests
For both encode and decode methods, edit method request by setting:
- API Key Required: TRUE
- URL Query String Parameters:
- shift
- source
17.Prepare mapping template for method encode
Copy following mapping template
"source": "input.params('source')",
"shift": "input.params('shift')",
"code": "TRUE",
18.Update mapping template for method encode
Update mapping template by:
- setting Request body passthrough option
- adding content type as application/json
- setting template based on code from step #17
19.Prepare mapping template for method decode
Copy following mapping template
"source": "input.params('source')",
"shift": "input.params('shift')",
"code": "FALSE",
20.Update mapping template for method decode
Update mapping template by:
- setting Request body passthrough option
- adding content type as application/json
- setting template based on code from step #19
Config - API Key
Config - API Deployment
Test Area
30.Test case #1
Calling API to encode "RADKOWSKIPRO" without any API Key.
curl \ -X GET "https://lcqg9juw8c.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/encode?source=RADKOWSKIPRO"
32.Test case #2
Calling API to encode "RADKOWSKIPRO" with invalid API Key (the last letter doesn't match).
curl \ -H "X-API-KEY:fDoPEqJETe2IDQ4lMiMyZ1g7mINFhhlU6gJsbcaZ" \ -X GET "https://lcqg9juw8c.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/encode?source=RADKOWSKIPRO"
34.Test case #3
Calling API to encode "RADKOWSKIPRO" with a valid API Key.
curl \ -H "X-API-KEY:fDoPEqJETe2IDQ4lMiMyZ1g7mINFhhlU6gJsbcaY" \ -X GET "https://lcqg9juw8c.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/encode?source=RADKOWSKIPRO"
36.Test case #4
Calling API to decode "UDGNRZVNLSUR" with a valid API Key.
curl \ -H "X-API-KEY:fDoPEqJETe2IDQ4lMiMyZ1g7mINFhhlU6gJsbcaY" \ -X GET "https://lcqg9juw8c.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/decode?source=UDGNRZVNLSUR"
38.Test case #5
Calling API to encode and decode "RADKOWSKIPRO" with a valid API Key and custom shift value.
curl \ -H "X-API-KEY:fDoPEqJETe2IDQ4lMiMyZ1g7mINFhhlU6gJsbcaY" \ -X GET "https://lcqg9juw8c.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/encode?source=RADKOWSKIPRO&shift=6" curl \ -H "X-API-KEY:fDoPEqJETe2IDQ4lMiMyZ1g7mINFhhlU6gJsbcaY" \ -X GET "https://lcqg9juw8c.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/decode?source=UDGNRZVNLSUR&shift=6"